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- Create Date 03/04/2024
- Last Updated 14/01/2025
Cura profile for Colorfabb Varioshore TPU
Cura profile for Colorfabb Varioshore TPU
0.4mm nozzle
This is a zip file as the file format is not supported by my website, you need to unpack it first before importing the file in cura
If you do not use Cura slicer, here are some of the most important recommended settings and features to successfully 3dprint this filament:
temperature: 235C
flow: 60%
Outer/Inner walls/top/bottom/infill speed: max 30mm/s
retraction: off
travel within walls: on
seams: shortest travel distance
Use a 3dprinter with a 0.4 nozzle and direct extruder (i've tried 0.6 nozzle before but its pretty tricky to tune the quality because of the active expanding foaming).
If you're under-extruding, see if you can adjust the tension on the extruder gear to be tighter. Usually there's a spring tensioner.
Make sure the path from the filament roll to the extruder motor is as direct as possible (do not feed into bowden tubes, filament sensors etc) and position your filament holder directly above the extruder motor if possible.
Your filament holder needs to roll very smoothly.
Use 3d models that have very little travel paths, bridging and keep overhang to a maximum of 60 degrees (no models that require supports).
Use "thick" 3dmodels, thin models and thin walls tend to wobble too much and will not print nicely.
If you do need supports: use zigzag supports (these have very little travel moves).
Use max speed on all print areas, it's slow anyway so might as well take advantage of it and use 30mm/s for outer walls too. Most slicers cut this in half for 'quality' which is unnecessary at this speed and will keep extrusion flow consistent.