
Interested in getting something custom-made by me? I don’t usually create commissions because they’re very time-consuming and difficult to fit into my usual work. But this page is to inform you about the possibility to own one of my custom projects that is part of my usual work or something I’ve made before.

I’m always interested in creating custom pieces from games and shows that I love, and by adopting one of these custom pieces you can own the final result! To adopt-a-project, you pick one of the potential areas that I’d like to collaborate on from the list below (non-exhaustive), email me the choice, get a price quote from me, place a deposit to reserve it, and then purchase the final result!

Most of the props and masks I’ve made before may be possible to create another copy as well, just email me about the piece you’re interested in.

Pokemon (full costumes)
Digimon (full costumes)
League of Legends and/or Arcane show (props and masks only)
Warcraft (props and masks only)
Diablo (props and masks only)
Runescape (props and masks only)
Spyro (masks only)
Monster Hunter (props and masks only)
Certain other masks and props from videogames, fantasy and other digital media (existing designs only).

This list is not complete, i would not be interested to create every single item that would be eligible according to the list, it depends on what I like personally as well as physically possible to make.

Ineligible projects: Original characters, full costumes (not mentioned above), concept designs/incomplete designs, custom pieces for pre-existing costumes, 3d files that were not created by me, stilts, animatronic wings and most other animatronic pieces.
Deposit information: A deposit is 25% of the total quoted price, with a minimum of 250usd, and the remainder of the total quoted price is to be paid before shipping. Some projects are too large or fragile to be shipped internationally. Local pick up is not available.
Size information: To make sure a project fits decently, I’d like to create a costume that is closer to my own sizing. Your project may be refused if it’s not a size I can verify the fit of easily.
Refund information: A full refund is always available if the project has no work done whatsoever. If you choose to back out after the project is complete or otherwise unable to purchase the final project, it will be placed for sale and your deposit will be refunded once the piece is sold. Price of the final piece can possibly be negotiated in order to get it sold within a reasonable timeframe, and you will receive a deposit refund based on 25% of the final sale value. This may be less than your initial deposit.